
Opinions are best when educated and shared, and it is a core belief of mine that the public debate benefits from participation by scientist. Below are links to blogging activity by me, relating to the public debate on other platforms.

The occasional personal post may also appear on this site.

An unconventional change of name

I recently changed my name, which is probably unusual for males in academia. I took the last name of my wife, so I no longer go by Anton A. A. Smith, but Anton A. A. Autzen. If you are curious as to why, I wrote a little post about it here. is my chosen platform for unabridged opinions on what is in the public debate, as well as pop-sci topics I find interesting. is my chosen platform for unabridged opinions on what is in the public debate, as well as pop-sci topics I find interesting.

Verdens Bedste FødevarerMy debate activities led to me writing a few guest posts for “Verdens Bedste Fødevarer”. You can find my writings there by searching for Anton A. A. Smith. I am a member of this organization, but do not represent it.

Verdens Bedste Fødevarer

My debate activities led to me writing a few guest posts for “Verdens Bedste Fødevarer”. You can find my writings there by searching for Anton A. A. Smith. I am a member of this organization, but do not represent it.